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Training Hall (Dojang) Rules

Peter Regan

Dear Parents, Dear Members,

I am writing to you today to inform you of important rules that must be followed in our Taekwon-Do dojang. These rules are essential to ensure a safe, respectful, and effective learning environment.


  1. Punctuality: Students should arrive on time for class. If they arrive late, they should wait at the entrance of the training area and ask for permission to join.

  2. Uniform & Sparring Gear: The uniform must be the official ITF Taekwon-Do uniform, which should be clean and pressed. In addition, only ITF-approved Taekwon-Do sparring gear should be used.

  3. Bowing upon Entering and Leaving the Dojang: This is a sign of respect and recognition of the place where you will train.

  4. Respect: All students must show respect to their instructor and fellow students. This can be demonstrated by bowing to the instructor before and after class and addressing them with appropriate titles.

  5. No Jewellery: For safety reasons, no jewellery or watches should be worn during training.

  6. Discipline: Students should display good behaviour both inside and outside the dojang. Disruptive behaviour will not be tolerated.

  7. No Eating, Drinking, or Chewing Gum: Eating, drinking, or chewing gum is generally not allowed in the training area.

  8. Hard Training: Students are expected to give their best effort and engage fully in every training session.

  9. Safety: Safety is the top priority in any martial arts training. Movements or exercises that could risk injury should be avoided.

  10. Quiet When the Instructor Speaks: Students should remain quiet and attentive when the instructor is giving instructions.

  11. Keep the Dojang Clean: Students should help keep the dojang clean and tidy.

  12. Correct Terminology: Students should use the correct Taekwon-Do terminology in the dojang.

  13. Responsibility: The Taekwon-Do school is only responsible for your child’s safety during official training times. What happens in the changing rooms, stairwell, or training hall before or after official class times is not the responsibility of the school.

  14. Boxing Ring Ropes: Children are prohibited from jumping onto or swinging from the boxing ring ropes.

  15. Equipment Storage: Children are not allowed to climb on or over the equipment stored by the windows, including on the kick bags.

  16. Leaving the Training Area: It is forbidden to leave the training area without the instructor’s permission, for example, to drink water or go to the toilet.

  17. Shoes: Students must wear shoes when going to the toilet and remove them again before entering the training area.

These rules not only ensure safety and order in the dojang but also promote the character development and discipline of the students. However, a violation of these rules may result in the termination of the membership of the student concerned.

We are confident that all members understand the importance of these rules and will do their part in making our dojang a safe and respectful place.

Thank you for your support and understanding. If you have any questions, we are happy to assist you.

Kind regards,

Peter Regan 6 Dan ITF

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